четверг, 23 июня 2011 г.

Oatmeal Pie with Strawberries, Chocolate Chips and Walnuts

I usually make it without strawberries, just raisins and/or dried cranberries, nuts and cinnamon. But now...

The appearance of my pie surprised me this time: strawberry, large enough, has decreased during the baking, carrying granola to the bottom, so the cake turned out not with rough caramelised crust, but with a pretty hollow in the middle, where all this stuff fell down ))))))) Pie surface is usualy covered with flat caramelised oat flakes evenly, so I  was amazed by this brand-new view )))


3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/3 tsp of baking powder
1 / 4 tsp of baking soda
1.5 cups oatmeal (flour)
1 / 3 cup of vegetable oil (I used unflavored sunflower)

For the granola:
5-6 walnuts
1 tbs of butter
2 tablespoons of oats (not quick, they flat enough and look nicer)
1 / 2 tsp cinnamon

butter for greasing the form + spoonful of sugar for dusting form

strawberries (6 large berries)
chocolate drops

 (next morning strawberry filling become more flat as you can see on the photos below)

In a large bowl mix eggs, sugar and oil. Then add flour mixed with baking soda and baking powder. Mix well and set aside. 

Now lets make granola.
Heat the pan, add butter, when melted toss with sugar evenly, wait until golden and add oats. Stir and add crashed walnuts. Stir completely, turn off the oven and set aside.

Preheat the oven (375F/180C). Crease the form with butter and dust with sugar. (I used paper baking form). Pour 1/3 of batter into the form, then add strawberries and chocolate chips, pour the rest part of the batter. Toss with granola evenly, dust with cinnamon and put into the oven. Bake 35-45 minutes, use wodden stick to test if it is dry enough inside.

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